Sunday, January 8, 2012

How do you feel about Chris's goals in life? To what extent do you identify with them in your own life?

I deeply respect Chris's goal to have his son know him as a father the way he was unable to know his own, for the simple fact that it's an honorable thing to do. A worthy commitment, to make sure you play a part in the upbringing of your children. Even better, Chris works his hardest to give his son Christopher the best, even taking him from his mother because he knew she wasn't fit to care for him the way he knew he could. I hope to be as inspirational and have as meaningful a relationship with any son or daughter of my own.

As to Chris's goal of becoming a stockbroker, which he achieved, I respect that as well. But on a less personal and emotional level than when it comes to an issue like the love and protection of one's children. The kind of respect I feel is on a more professional level, what would be from one employee to another, an I-respect-your-perseverance-determination-and-heart level. This kind of respect is evoked in response to Chris's character as a hardworking man and strength as an individual trying to make it in a difficult world. Here's where I can more fully identify with Chris in that I have some of my own hopes, dreams and goals in motion for my professional future. For me, at the age of seventeen, my education and profession of choice are more front-and-center matters than a child.

Considering that Gardner received no education after high school and still got the job in a highly competitive field and environment gives me hope. I can see, however, where I lack in some of the character and strength of will that he has. Although he was merely acting, Will Smith lent a sense of will and determination to Chris Gardner that few can contend with, and a work ethic I hope to emulate as I step into the world of business and adulthood past my high school years.